Laudon E Laudon Ppt

PPT – Introduction to Information Systems Based on Laudon and Laudon Chapter 1 and 2' Full slides availabl PowerPoint presentation free to view - id: 2544fa-NTUwN. The Adobe Flash plugin is needed to view this content. App/laudon/6eCW/ppt/ 2 Outline. What is a (i) system, (ii)information system, (iii) computer based information system. E-government E-commerce model in which a government entity buys or provides goods, services, or information from or to businesses or individual citizens A business such as Apple Computers making online transactions with its tradi ng partners is an example of: 1. E-CRM 100% 4. EDI B B 2C e- C R M I 0% 0% 0%. Laudonch02ppt - Download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Management Information Systems Laudon.

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  • Students may not know exactly what is meant by globalization or may have an incomplete understanding of the term. You might ask students what they think it means. Potential answers could include: reduction of economic and cultural advantages of developed countries, increased number of companies with operations in multiple countries worldwide, and increased reliance on imports and exports of goods (and jobs). Globalization will be discussed in later slides as well.
  • The sociotechnical systems perspective holds that optimal organizational performance is achieved by jointly optimizing the social and technical systems used in production. This helps to avoid the mistaken idea that information systems consist of computers or technology alone. You could ask students at this point whether they feel that information systems are nothing more than technology, and revisit the point later in the chapter when the topic is discussed in more detail.
  • Ask students to predict whether a baseball team using state of the art information systems would be more successful than a team that did not. Prompt them to explain why they feel the way they do. You could also ask whether or not they would expect an organization like a professional sports franchise to be a good example of the importance of information systems. The point here would be that information systems are vitally important to all forms of business, professional sports included.
  • New federal security and accounting laws that require companies to store e-mail for 5 years have spurred the growth of digital information, which is increasing at a rate of 5 exabytes annually. Students may be surprised to learn that 5 exabytes of data is equivalent to 37,000 Libraries of Congress. Ask the students to think about what difference it makes to the world economy, or the U.S. economy, if global operations become much less expensive? What are the challenges to American suppliers of goods and services, and to labor?
  • Emphasize to students that total investment is over one trillion dollars in 2010, and that over 550 billion dollars of that was invested in information technology. You could ask them why it is that the percentage of total investment devoted to IT has increased so much since 1980? Other kinds of capital investment are machinery and buildings. Why would firms increase IT investment faster than machinery and buildings. The answer is capital substitution: the price of IT capital has been falling exponentially, while the price of machine and buildings has been growing at slightly more than the rate of inflation. Wherever possible, firms would much rather invest in more IT than machinery or buildings because the returns on the investment are greater.
  • Time shifting and space shifting are connected to globalization. You could ask students to explain why a digital firm is more likely to benefit from globalization than a traditional firm. One answer is that by allowing business to be conducted at any time (time shifting) and any place (space shifting), digital firms are ideally suited for global operations which take place in remote locations and very different time zones.
  • You could ask students if they’ve ever used a handheld for work and if they thought it was useful or effective. You could also ask students to identify different types of businesses and determine whether handhelds could perform some business processes.
  • In the Yankee Stadium opening case, the UPS Interactive Session later in the chapter, and with many of the Interactive Sessions and opening cases in the book, it will be useful to ask students to explain how various information systems succeeded or failed in achieving the six strategic business objectives. For example, in the Yankee Stadium case, information systems helped the Yankees achieve greater customer intimacy and offer new services. You might ask the students to think about some other business objectives and think about how IT might help firms achieve them. For instance, speed to market is very important to firms introducing new products. How can IT help achieve that objective?
  • Walmart is the most efficient retailer in the industry and exemplifies operational excellence. You could ask students to name other businesses that they believe to exhibit a high level of operational excellence. Do customers perceive operational excellence? Does it make a difference for customer purchasing? What Web sites strike students as really excellent in terms of customer service? If you have a podium computer, you might want to visit the Walmart site and the Amazon site to compare them in terms of ease of use.
  • You could ask students to name other new products or business models that they’ve encountered and how they might relate to new information systems or new technology. One way to encourage participation is ask students to help you list on the blackboard some really interesting recent digital product innovations. Discussing “green technologies” like wind, solar, and hybrid vehicles is always fun. In this context, what role will IT be playing in the development of these technologies?
  • You could ask students what types of companies might rely more on customer and supplier intimacy than others and which companies they feel have served them exceptionally well. Ask the students to identify online sites that achieve a high degree of customer intimacy. Sites to visit would include Netflix, Amazon, and other sites which have recommender systems to suggest purchase ideas to consumers.
  • You could ask students if they have ever been recipients of exceptional service from a company made possible by improved decision-making and whether or not information systems contributed to that level of service. For example, perhaps they had a power outage and it took a very short (or very long) time for the utility company to correct the error.
  • This slide is a recap of the previous four slides. You might ask students which business objective they believe to be most critical to the success of a business, or whether they all carry equal weight.
  • Emphasize that achieving any of the previous four business objectives represents the achievement of a competitive advantage as well.
  • Ask students if they can name any examples of companies that failed to survive due to unwillingness or inability to update their information systems. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that public firms keep all data, including e-mail, on record for 5 years. You could ask students if they appreciate why information systems would be useful towards meeting the standards imposed by this legislation.
  • The basic point of this graphic is that in order to achieve its business objectives, a firm will need a significant investment in IT. Going the other direction (from right to left), having a significant IT platform can lead to changes in business objectives and strategies. Emphasize the two-way nature of this relationship. Businesses rely on information systems to help them achieve their goals; a business without adequate information systems will inevitably fall short. But information systems are also products of the businesses that use them. Businesses shape their information systems and information systems shape businesses.
  • These are some basic background understandings needed for the course. A system refers to a set of components that work together (hopefully). Can students think of systems other than information systems? The point of an information system is to make sense out all the confusing data in the environment, and put the data into some kind of order. Information is an ordered set of data that you can understand and act on. If the students want to get a sense of raw data, show them a stock ticker on a Web financial site (or Yahoo/finance). Ask them to tell you what it means? Then show them the current value of the Dow Jones Industrial Index and the S&P 500, and its daily trend (or for that matter switch to a 1 year view of either of these indexes). Looking at the indexes students can quickly get a grasp of whether the market is up or down, and they could act on that information.
  • Emphasize the distinction between information and data. You could, for example, ask several students to list their ages and write the numbers on one side of the board – then you could calculate the average age of those students on the other side, oldest student, youngest student, and so forth, to illustrate the difference between raw data and meaningful information.
  • Use an example similar to the one given in the previous slide to illustrate the three activities involved in the function of an information system. Continuing with that example, the process of asking students their age would represent input, calculating the average age and determining the oldest and youngest age would represent processing, and writing that information on the board would represent output.
  • Explain to students how the ‘house’ analogy works: assuming that a successful information system is like a completed ‘house’, computers and software only represent the tools and materials used to build the house. Tools and materials don’t just suddenly become a completed house – outside (human) input is required. Systems need to be designed to fit the firms and the humans who work with the systems.
  • The point of this diagram is first of all to highlight the three basic activities of information systems, so that students can understand what an information system is doing at its most fundamental level. But the diagram also puts information systems into the context of organizations (firms), and then puts the firm into its respective environment composed of shareholders, higher level authorities (government), competitors, suppliers and customers. Suddenly students should see that information systems play a central role mediating and interacting with all these players. Hence, systems play a key role in the operations and survival of the firm. You could also explain this diagram by relating it back to the opening case, as the book does. The two types of input into the Synergy system are manually entered data as well as video. The system processes that data and creates the output, video and statistics about specific types of players and plays.
  • These three themes (management, organizations, and technology) will reappear throughout the book. Understanding the interaction between these factors and information systems is known as information system literacy. Knowing how to optimize the relationship between technology, organizations, and management is the purpose of this book and course.
  • Pages 18 and 19 in the text provides more specific details on each level of this hierarchy. You can ask students to talk about an organization where they currently work, or have worked in the past. What was their contact with senior management, middle management, and operational (supervisory) management? Many younger students will have had little or no contact with senior and middle management. Older students most likely will have experience. You might need to provide more description about exactly what senior managers do for the firm (and middle managers).
  • Ask students to think about how information systems would factor into the day-to-day jobs of each of the three types of workers in the pyramid.
  • The point of this slide is to let students know there are many organizational factors that will shape information systems. A common observation is that “Every business is different.” Does this mean every business will have different information systems? Every business has its unique culture, and politics. Systems reflect these business cultures. For an example of how information systems shed light on a firm’s unique business processes and culture, you might describe the UPS Interactive Session later in the chapter. The company’s package tracking systems exemplify their commitment to customer service and putting the customer first.
  • How might information systems assist managers in the development of new products and services? What is meant by re-creating the organization? Why do organizations need to be continually re-created? The answer is that they quickly become obsolete unless they continue to change. Ask students to help you list some organizations that have recently failed, or are about to fail.
  • Information technology is at the heart of information systems. While organization and management are important too, it’s the technology that enables the systems and the organizations and managers who use the technology. The distinction between the Internet and intranets & extranets has to do with their scope. Intranets are private networks used by corporations and extranets are similar except that they are directed at external users (like customers and suppliers). In contrast, the Internet connects millions of different networks across the globe. Students may not immediately understand this distinction.
  • UPS is a good example of a company that successfully uses information systems to enhance their business. Discuss the Delivery Information Acquisition Device (DIAD) and its various uses. Why is it an excellent example of an information system affected by a firm’s business and vice versa? Do students think UPS does a good job with its information systems? What might they improve?
  • Discuss what the consequences would be if any one of the three dimensions of information systems were lacking at UPS. With poor technology, good management and organizational procedures would not significantly increase efficiency; without good organizational procedures, even the highest-quality technology wouldn’t prevent frequent errors and data loss; and without good management, the company would not make appropriate decisions about how to use the technology and what procedures to use.
  • You could ask students to consider how this view of information systems might contrast with the sociotechnical view or other views. You could also ask them to consider the circumstances under which information systems might not result in increased productivity and revenue.
  • During this and the next slide, emphasize that the end result of the business information value chain will always be profitability. Questions for students: What aspects of the business perspective might be lacking? Are there other perspectives that might provide a different picture? (sociotechnical)
  • The information value chain is one way to visualize the relationship between information activities, business processes, and management activities. You could also ask students if they could imagine any reason to create an information system besides profitability or strategic positioning (it’s not likely that they will think of one, which will prove the point). One reason to create a system that is not primarily profit oriented is to meet the information reporting requirements of government and other authorities.
  • Emphasize that each quadrant of the graph represents a different type of firm. Quadrant 1 represents firms that invest much less in IT but still receive strong returns. Quadrant 2 represents firms that invest a great deal in IT and receive a great deal in returns. Quadrant 3 represents firms that invest much less in IT and receive poor returns. Quadrant 4 represents firms that invest a great deal in IT but receive poor returns. Ask students where they want their firms to show up? The purpose of the course and book is to show students how to end up in top quadrant (2).
  • Connect this slide to the previous slide. Many firms make significant investments in IT for very little benefit to the bottom line. Discuss why companies experience a wide variety of outcomes in their efforts to invest in IT. Consider the factors we use in this book: organizational and management factors.
  • The example used in the book for complementary assets is for automobile companies: these companies rely on investments in highways, other roads, gas stations, repair facilities, and so on to maximize the value of their primary investment. Ask students to provide a different example of another company’s or industries complementary assets.
  • Emphasize that firms that make significant investment in complementary assets tend to derive greater benefit from information technology investment than those that do not. Consideration of complementary assets should be a part of any firm’s broader view of how to create and implement their information systems. Stress to students that managers must consider dimensions like complementary assets in order to derive benefit from information systems and be successful.
  • Ask students which of the two major types of approaches, behavioral and technical, they find to be most appropriate or accurate. Why do they feel this way? Emphasize that the technical approach does not ignore behavior and the behavioral approach does not ignore technology, but that they are indeed two distinct approaches.
  • You might ask the students whether they think it’s possible to adopt only one of the two approaches to information systems and be successful. Then emphasize that the most accurate position is that there is no single approach that can truly capture the full scope and importance of information systems by itself.
  • Ask students to describe some of the relationships between the four main actors. For example, business firms look to acquire the components of their information systems from suppliers of hardware and software. The firm’s environment may dictate the type of software a company uses as well as the kind of employees that work there.
  • The sociotechnical systems perspective was also discussed briefly in slide 3, which you could revisit to give students a refresher. The critical aspect of this view is the balance between technological and social/behavioral concerns. Sometimes a lesser form of technology may be the best option because it is more suited to the personal needs of the individual, for example.
  • This graphic illustrates the interplay between technology and the organization. The two continue to grow closer together until an approach satisfying both perspectives is reached. Ensure that students understand that the two sides do not always need to form an equal compromise. Sometimes highly advanced technology may be more acceptable than at other times. As they will see with packaged software solutions, and enterprise systems, firms are often required to change greatly in order to make the software applications work.