How To Install Yamagi Quake 2

How To Install Yamagi Quake 2How to install yamagi quake 2 mods

Linux Mint Quake 2

Start the game with 'quake2 +set game rogue' If you want to compile 'rogue' for OS X from source, please take a look at the 'Installation' section of the README. Yamagi quake 2 client crash. 'Couldn't init SDL video: No available video device' is what I see when I try to run the quake 2 executable, mixed in with a few hundred other iterations of the same thing before the executable causes a segfault and dumps.

How to install yamagi quake 2 torrent

Hi all,
Just a quick Q from someone new to Steam. I do all my computing on Debian and I miss the old times with Quake II. Unfortunately, I no longer have a copy.
Would I be able to use Steam on Linux to download Quake II and play? It seems to be listed as Windows-only, but I think I've read that some Linux games are.
Could I download the game and use the assets on Quake II Linux non-Steam? Would I have to resort using Steam on a VM and push the assets to Linux?
Bonus question:
I used to play with bots, CTF and grappling hook. Can these be found online easily? Any trouble getting them running on Linux? Is there anyone playing on the Internet?