Witch Trainer Sad Crab

Avast safezone e virus. AKABUR에게 허락을 맡았는지 현재 Sad Crab 1에서 업데이트를 내놓아 1.6 러시아어 버전/영어 버전이 있으며 이 역시 무료로 받을 수 있다. 현재 1.5.2버전까지는 한글패치가 나왔다고 알려졌으나 사실 잘 안 알려져서 그렇지 1.6도 있긴 있다.

  1. Witch Trainer Sad Crab Song
  2. Sad Crab Witch Trainer Daphne
Witch trainer sad crab video

Witch Trainer Sad Crab Song


Sad Crab Witch Trainer Daphne

  1. [b][size=200]The latest version, the passage, FAQ, change history[/size][/b]
  2. This topic is placed manual on the passage and FAQ for the game, 'Witch Trainer (Russian edition),' Game 'Witch Trainer' (Russian version) was created by a group of enthusiasts on the basis of which was published in December 2014 game «Witch Trainer», written Akabur. The game 'Witch Trainer '(Russian edition) fully translated into Russian, English version fixes bugs, adds new events and some additional management capabilities. Just as the game Akabur’s game 'Witch Trainer' is absolutely free. Currently the game is available for download here:
  3. Information on the latest version of the Description and walkthrough here:
  4. 'Witch Trainer. Passage, the instruction' FAQ on the game here: FAQ
  5. The new passing game, by the way: This passage is written for the game, 'Witch Trainer' (Russian edition) version 1.5 in later versions of 'Coach Witch' (Russian edition)
  6. New game events can occur that are not described in this manual.
  7. [size=200][b][color=#FF0000]Old saved from previous versions DO NOT WORK!!!And things does not work that you are migrating from older versions!!! Game + may not work properly!!! Cheats Trainer Witch (Witch Trainer) [/color][/b][/size]
  8. 1. Hermione is not visible
  9. You find yourself in the office of the director of the Academy. After a brief bewilderment, you decide to look around. To pass the first event, it is necessary to explore the 5 objects. Wardrobe, table, a bird, a fireplace and a door. When night owl appears, read the message. In the future, if you received a message with an owl or sending (for details on the premises later) try to open them at once, so as not to impede the passage of the story. After you have read the message, you will Severus, talk to him. After this day is over. Every day explore the magical wardrobe (this can be done once a day). This will allow you time to time to get use of a variety of desired items. In addition, no entries in the first days can be done so after the cabinet shake-up can be with a clear conscience doze. But Severus did not give you much to get bored, it will come at night and to have conversations about anything. If you are attentive to the search in the closet, in the afternoon of the 4th day, you must have 2 bottles with the drug. At night, held a duel with Severus. Because there were so many questions on the passage of the duel in the English version, in the Russian version of the game, we have made it possible to pass on the scenario, without taking part in the duel. If you want to still pass it, tell me the secret of success. Continue to protect the ever once Severus begins to cause a demon, so you reduce the damage from magical strike. Once your health indicator shows less than half - bottle with drug use, to restore health. When health Severus is about a quarter, and it begins to cause a demon, do not go in defence and attack. When you call a demon Severus opens and your blow will be very effective, and retaliation will not have time to put the demon - the duel is over. Talk to Severus after the duel. He promised to think what to do next. After his next visit you will be able to call Severus's office the day or night. He himself in the near future you will no longer appear in the office. Do not neglect the possibility of calling it at night - it improves your relationship and you need to train witch (details below). Call the day except for one case, described below, does not affect the development of the plot, but the dialogue with Snape are quite diverse, so that we can do it for fun.
  10. Soon there Hermione with a bunch of complaints. After talking with her, call Snape at night, he can refuse to talk, call until not talk to him. Hermione starts to walk into your office as a job. On the 12th day of arrival owl from the Ministry, and you will be able to write reports and make gold. Use this opportunity. Do not forget every day rummaging in the closet. In addition, it is from time to time brings all sorts of useful things, examining the cabinet a number of times, you will find the directory to which can on the earned gold to order goods in the shop ' Dahr’s Oddities”. Once, during one of the visits she declares, she wrote a letter to the Ministry of Magic, call Severus NIGHT again and talk to him. Together, you develop a plan to tame Hermione. After this event, she will come several times, talking about the problems encountered in the study (Severus tries), and finally, ask it began to teach you. You are broken, and you agree, to call Hermione opened at any time in the office. Event training is available (this is the original event; it is not in the 'parent' version of the game).
  11. 2a.Hermione learns Education is a separate storyline. You can go through the game without doing training Hermione at all or to train in parallel with the training. So, you need to go on training as follows (from the author's description of the Event). The first thing you need to look at the first training event Hermione. Realizing the futility of life of gin, drunk go to Snape. Read the dialogue to begin, oh-oh-LHA save Gold. Accumulating the required amount, we call Snape and give him gold. Call Hermione. Choose a new option in the menu to 'talk.' We listen, we begin to save money. Save money, repeat the previous procedure. We look forward to a few days, look event, angry at the writer. Congratulations, you've passed the quest!
  12. 2b. Hermione agrees Whether chose you study or not, if you want to continue to persuade Hermione to training, two days HAPPY call Severus chat (you can call it before, but the desired conversation he would go no earlier than two days) and Discuss your plans. After 7 days after the event she would come and offer their services in exchange for the points department. Until that time, we recommend making gold calligraphy and useful items in order 'Dahr’s Oddities”».
  13. 2c. Who's fucking Alice .. girl? Since version 1.3.1 there is a new storyline. It is independent from the branches of education and training Hermione, so that you can complete the game without going into it or go to the branches in parallel. If you regularly drink with Snape at night (more than 40 times) in the end he will like you trust and share the secret. He turns out to be perfectly spend time fucking a student for a student. You decide that it is unfair that someone all, and someone - one Hermione and during these nocturnal gatherings need to increase the staff of girls that you visit. Snape breaks, but then agreed to send such that it is worth two .. After a couple of days she comes, it Slytherin Daphne Greengrass. Then begins the chain of the event, which involves Snape and Hermione, as well as parents Daphne (via owl post) and at the end of which you will be able to call the Daphne office. For details, see. Claim 8
  14. 3.Hermione puts conditions
  15. After Hermione to offer their services in exchange for glasses faculty open the corresponding menu item, and you can give a girl the job. Jobs are divided into private and public. Private job she performs (or fails to comply) in your office at any time - day or night. Visitor tasks can be given only in the morning. They consist of two Event - in the morning you are given the task, and if she agrees to carry it out in the evening she comes and reports the results. In the first task, not all of them will open. However, for the start of training is enough. To increase the number of available jobs you need to strengthen your imagination. This is achieved by buying and reading science fiction books ' Dahr’s Oddities.' After reading all of these books will be available to all possible tasks. On Hermione's willingness to perform the task and the quality of performance is influenced by three factors: the ratio of points Slytherin and Gryffindor, Hermione's attitude to you and its level of corruption.
  16. 3.1. Points Faculty If Gryffindor points becomes more than Slytherin, then she will cease to perform tasks. Change ratio of Slytherin and Gryffindor points frequently met with Severus at night. The softer your friendship with the professor, the more points gets Slytherin.
  17. 3.2. Drinking Hermione If the ratio is different from the 'do not be angry,' she will refuse to carry out the job. The ratio changes if: • you need to execute something that Hermione at the current level of depravity is not ready to go (the ratio will deteriorate). • In the course of the assignment Hermione you break promises, for example, said that you would only look and start to stick (the ratio will worsen) • you give a gift to Hermione. Changing attitudes depends on the depravity of the girl. For example, porn magazine at the beginning of training worsen relations as inappropriate gift, and at the end of training - will improve. • Sometimes it gets worse if after the job Hermione (if you think the job is not completed), you are not giving the promised points. Every day, the ratio slightly improved. So, in theory, no matter how she was angry, you only need to wait for a while, and it will stop sulking. But it will go much faster if coaxing her with gifts that you find in the closet, or buy in ' Dahr’s Oddities.'
  18. 3.3. Depravity Depravity (or lewdness) initially equal to 0 points. She never decreases, but may increase to score after Hermione certain jobs if the jobs correspond to its current level of depravity. Let us examine this in more detail. It is necessary to distinguish between the score and the level of depravity. Score - a number from 0 to 24, you can see the information in a book, if you click on the hat. Points correspond to levels:
  19. • 2 level. 3-5
  20. • 4 levels. 9-11
  21. • 6 level. 15-17
  22. • 8 level. > = 21
  23. If the scores vary in level, the reaction to Hermione's job will not change. If after increasing depravity points to the next level, the response to the job can be different. She begins to accept what was previously rejected; the execution has already passed given easier tasks etc. As mentioned above, to the corruption grew task must correspond to the current level. For example, if the offer from the beginning of training (level 1) anal sex (level 8), Hermione indignantly reject it. Score depravity does not increase, and the ratio will worsen. In addition, if as a result of training, she once did blow Gina (can be done from the level 6, that should be 15 points or more corruption), the job is to show panties (can be carried out from the level of depravity 1, that is enough to 0 points) also did not give extra points depravity. It's too easy. A task to make a blow once again - will. Conclusion: to increase the level of depravity let Hermione feasible task, gradually increasing their complexity. Below is a list of tasks, under which increases points.
  24. • Up to 3 (to 2): 'Talk to me' 'Excellent panties!', 'Flirt with the student'
  25. • Up to 6 (up to level 3): 'Flirt with a teacher,' 'Thief panties', ' breast molester', ' ass molester '
  26. • Up to 12 (up to level 5),' the station for me! ',' Let me touch them! '
  27. • Up to 18 (up to level 7) 'Suck it!'
  28. • Up to 24 'Time for anal sex!'Why these assignments give points, and the rest - no big secret is there.
  29. Developer English version laid precisely this logic, we (still) does not change anything. In fact, the growth of corruption and go to the next level you need three times to ask Hermione some (not necessarily the same thing) study specified on the corresponding line in the table above. No matter what happens during the job, how would she nor angry, points depravity she will still receive, except in two cases:
  30. • Do you offer her a very difficult task, she immediately refuses and indignant: 'Professor Dumbledore??!' 'How can you ask me about this!?' 'I think I'd better go.'
  31. • At the end you refuse to give her points for the faculty (for lack of effort)
  32. By the way, the game is designed so that it is interesting to view the event, even if they cease to give new glasses depravity. At the new level of depravity previously completed tasks she performs differently from the more interesting results. Personal service has three options for completion. Visitor - 3 options at three levels of corruption. With public tasks is not so simple. Even if you have a large level of corruption, she may refuse to comply with them. If Hermione was not so little at the level of corruption in the public resents the task 'How can you offer this?' and leaves offended, just start with the most basic public tasks. The game is designed so that each subsequent public job she agreed can not be obtained, if it has not complied with the previous at least twice. If you are a long time will give the public tasks, and focus on the personal, the girl then can begin to abandon the public tasks 'I agree to exchange points, but only as long as it is between us and not to the public. ' That will not happen if you, as long as the corruption Hermione less than 12 points, will achieve the job, 'Give classmates to stick to you.' Below is a list of public services to levels that show different versions of the completion of the services. The first is the level at which this task at all can successfully be carried out.
  33. • 'Flirt with a student.' Levels 1, 2, 3+ • 'Flirt with a teacher.' Levels 2, 3, 4+ (remember, she has agreed to perform this task, or follow the public requires that the previous was performed at least twice)
  34. • 'shine in front of his classmates tits.' Levels 4, 5, 6+ • 'Kiss the Girls'. Levels 5, 6, 7+
  35. • 'Suck classmate.' Levels 7, 8+
  36. • 'fuck with a classmate.' Level 8, for example, if you want to view all the possible embodiments of the services 'kiss the girl', then:
  37. • Achieve level corruption 5 (at lower levels she will give up the job and angry).
  38. • let Hermione this task until you have all three embodiments thereof. Most likely, it will have to give the job more than 3 times - embodiments are chosen randomly and can repeat the ones you've seen before
  39. • Increase the level of corruption at 1 (prior to the 6th, you can raise only an assignment 'touch me!', the level of up to 7 th - the quest, 'Suck it!') and return to the previous item.
  40. • Increased on - until the 8th will not give anything new when performing this task.
  41. A lot of the issues is the situation, when she refused to perform public events.
  42. 4. Scientists - light, or Patience and hard work .. As mentioned above reading the book provides some additional skills. Reading books increases each fantastic imagination and opens up new items to the menu assignments. Books on speed reading will allow you to read new books .Books on speedwriting and efficiency ('Book of the Spirit') to quickly complete the chapters of the report, and accelerate the process of earning money. But you do not need to pass these skills are pumped. These are just a few speed up the process, but the passage's Event itself is not affected. Also, your performance affects the weather and the phases of the moon. On a rainy day at the lighted fireplace is read additional chapter of the book. At night, when the moon is written extra chapter of the report.
  43. 5. Hermione gets gifts Calling Hermione you something to give her. Generally, a gift is changing the attitude. Relevant gift to improve relations, inappropriate, conversely, has deteriorated. Relevance is determined by the level of depravity. Gifts are bought in “Dahr’s Oddities,' or detected at the next revision of the cabinet.
  44. 6. Little blue skirt, a ribbon in the queue Hermione can be worn. Description have less leave here a description for the voucher Dahr. The secret is that the very short skirt can be bought only receive a voucher Dahr. A Dahr voucher can only be found in a special way by reading the book 'My dear waifu.' All classics - egg in a duck and a duck in the chest. So, to obtain the voucher necessary to read the book several times. In the book 5 endings. For some reason, most of the recommendations that I have seen reports that to obtain the voucher necessary to pass all five endings, but it is not. The voucher is given along with the receipt harem endings. Harem ending becomes available after the receipt of endings to each of the 3 girls separately. Ending with the girls get easy - read a book, always selecting the same menu item. Permanent selection of top item will ending with Miss Stevens, medium to Shi, the lower with Linda. After that, you need more time, fourth, read a book, selecting at least once each item. For example, once the upper once medium and the remaining 18 times lower. Voila, you have a harem ending Dahr and a voucher for a super short mini skirts. For true fans, who want to see what is the fifth ending (it is in this mode of action is not shown), it is necessary to take the time to open all ending with the girls. And I read the book by choosing all the time either of the two menu items, ignoring a third (say, never go to the library). But in the last 20 days to choose this last point.
  45. 7. Endings or she is forgiven in the Russian edition there is an additional ending. And now there are three (not counting the ending Fail when the genie at the beginning of the duel loses Severus). Moreover, the story began to branch not only at the end, breaking down to an ending, but much earlier. Now the game has three storylines. If you turn on the line with the appropriate number before the final stage, you get to the ending relevant number. Moreover, depending on what you line for certain game events have also tested differently. There are some dialogues, hiding others; some opportunities exist only in certain storylines. Storylines 01 and 02 are parallel no different, and are separated only in the final scene. All other game events for these storylines are the same. Subject line 03 differs from the first two, and the passage of some of the events. The game starts at 01. Once the storyline stepping down from this line you will not be able to return to it. If you stay on it, you will come to the end of 01. Your Whore. To stay on this subject line when you select the service 'station for me' when she complains that her reputation will suffer (it is a choice between the lines 01 and 03), select “Nobody’s here”. Do not demand service 'Suck classmate' (at the first requirement is to move to any line to line 02). The storyline leads to the end of 02 02. Public Whore. To go on it will require the services 'Suck classmate' (at the first requirement is to move with any line to line 02). If the performance of services 'Fuck with classmate' she starts complaining that suffers its reputation (it is a choice between the lines 02 and 03), select 'Just be careful.' The storyline leads to the end of 03 03. Strong Girl. In addition, as described above, certain game events on this line are not like the other two. There are two ways to go at it. * If you select private service 'station for me,' and she and complains that her reputation will suffer (a choice between the lines 01 and 03), select 'Who cares about your reputation.' Do not ask for a public service 'Suck classmate' (at the first requirement is to move to any line to line 02). * If the required public service 'Suck classmate' (at the first requirement is to move to any line to line 02), then demand service 'Fuck with a classmate, 'make contact with a branch (branch each time is chosen randomly) when she starts complaining that suffers its reputation (it is a choice between the lines 02 and 03) and select' disassemble itself. 'When you reach a certain level of corruption starts chain's Event dedicated to the Autumn Ball. After she complains to you on the lack of ballroom dresses, it becomes available for purchase in the ' Dahr’s Oddities” and you can purchase it and give the girl. You can play indefinitely until presented to dress. Once the dress donated, 2 days later started the final chain of Event - Severus had come to say goodbye. A little trick. The final chain is started, if you leave a free evening. You can delay this moment, if you give Hermione public tasks, and it will come in the evening to the report. What will be the ending depends on what you did or did not do in the passing game and a story line is at the time when it comes to say goodbye, Severus. With the moment that will come to you to say goodbye Snape until the end of the game, you will not be able to make a choice. Just watch for the development of the plot and enjoy. And, do not rush to leave the game when the loud music will start to appear on the screen the list of participants of the project. Otherwise miss something else interesting.
  46. 8. Most pureblood Thoroughbred sorceress highest standard Daphne Greengrass appears only with version 1.4. How to activate a storyline with her participation described in p.2s. To be able to call Daphne to the office you must go through several the events, which started after the first appearance of Daphne. Go Luna involving Snape's easy, you simply not to shun to communicate with him. However, Hermione is not that simple. She stubbornly refused to agree to share the information you want about the classmate. To convince Hermione, you must pick it up at least to the depravity of 12 (how to do it - see. 3). After that there are two ways to reach agreement. The first - first to show that she is indifferent to you (i.e., go to the plot line 03 cm. P.7). In this case, she would agree to exchange information on good. The second method is useful if you stay in the storylines 01 or 02. In this case, you need to get a positive attitude Hermione. As is well known (p.5) presents the ratio increases. But a positive attitude can only give one gift - perfume. And it is necessary to lead in getting Hermione showed itself to be this Spray perfume before her appearance. Catch the moment - a positive attitude does not keep long, even if not to upset Hermione, it will soon change to neutral. In version 1.5.1 introduced only five primary methods of training Daphne, several Events at all. The passage of the main lines there are no complications. As a result of the corruption will increase. Each one requires a certain stage's Event depravity. In the absence of the required number of depravity to begin / continue the event, you will receive a message that either Daphne or Jinn express haste continued Event.
  47. Depravity
  48. 'Tell me about the girls'
  49. required depravity: 0 (chain consists of 5 the event, each of which Daphne will tell of its observations),
  50. 'Show yourself!'
  51. Necessary depravity: 3 (The chain is composed of 5 the event, each of which Daphne rid of pieces of clothing) * If at the time of the fifth Event depravity Daphne will be 9 points, it complied with the request, 'asked her to show tits '.
  52. 'The popularity of '
  53. Necessary wickedness: 8 (The chain consists of 4 the event, where the Daphne runs errands Jinnah, and met with the attraction)
  54. 'Great revelation'
  55. 'Necessary wickedness: 11 (The chain consists of 3 ^ the event, each of which Daphne agrees drink wine, whereby each new event, she agrees to go on),
  56. 'Teach me' Necessary depravity: 17 (The chain consists of 1 ^ the event, where the Daphne agrees to masturbation) Endings with Daphne at the moment do not have to complete the game you need pursue Hermione. The main fun in the plot related to Daphne will be added in a future version.
  57. 9. Editorial wall newspaper. Version 1.5 introduces a new way to earn money and training Hermione - Editorial wall newspaper access journalistic assignments Hermione need to have unlocked a public task in the depravity 12. To begin, it is necessary to pump speed Event reporting and write at least four reports in one period. After that comes a letter from the Ministry on the establishment of the wall newspaper. All other necessary information of the game is understandable texts. The result should be available to the different updates for the editorial staff, as well as 5 new jobs for Hermione (only 1 each heart). To access the Event 2 need some clothes - cm. Below. Also, after all the updates newspaper it will be much more profitable than conventional or improved reports. This will build up pretty quickly to any expensive thing in Dahr, which can be difficult when the old way of earnings. Green circle at the Event is the availability of new content (or that you will see there is a temporary plug). Red - there you can rerun the event. To open a new order's Event, do not hesitate to read books on writing. To access the studio and master buy the cheapest camera. For access to the forbidden forest letter Hagrid have to wait.
  58. 10. Whatever is put to more naked? In version 1.5, a new wardrobe system. Dahr Now you can buy different clothes in the appropriate section. You can also persuade Hermione to wear some old things in a frank way. Just explain what is now an old mini skirt is not, it is an analog, as well as a shorter version. All this wealth is Galleons, well and good old voucher now needs to unlock itself school Nano skirt (5 times shorter than the old mini skirt). There is also a limit - but the game is so clear. It should be emphasized that all the things for the first donning require that they gave to Hermione, and then another to persuade her using the 'new things' in the locker room. Menu wardrobe accordingly available at a certain point in the call Hermione. For the dressing of new short skirts, for example, it is also required to have mastered the longer versions. For dressing clothes cheerleaders or business woman need to pass the relevant newspaper Event. For these very pre's Event needs to buy or rent the required clothing - read the texts in the game carefully. Yes, Dahr now also have rental clothing. Hire (for a day), you can try on clothes at her or use the day to pass its demanding events.
  1. Also you will have an ability to play our previous mode “Witch trainer 1.6 RE” (and older) that will contain all original arts and storyline with our additions and extensions. “Witch Trainer RE” will be always avaliable inside our 'Innocent Witches' game and will not be continued after the 1.6-version. Patreon https://www.patreon.com.
  2. Sad Crab: Publishers Sad Crab Sad Crab: Description. This is an absolutely new look at the 'Harry Potter' universe with many destinies rewritten, and with the main role assigned to an original protagonist. His name is Salazar Riddle Black. He is going to meet and get acquainted with many characters from the saga, as well as introduce us to them.